Wednesday, August 15, 2012


So hard to believe that our "little" Jake is now officially a Kindergartener!! He has been so excited all summer to go to Redstone Elementary, and to be a Kindergartener. We started everything off with Kindergarten Orientation, where Jake was able to meet his new teacher Ms. Farah.

Jake was So excited for his first day of Kindergarten, and did great!! No fear walking in to the classroom and saying goodbye to mom, dad and Tyler. He had a wonderful first day, and couldn't stop talking about all the fun things they did their first day. Love seeing him so excited. :)

Tyler of course had to get his backpack on too, though he was very upset to learn he didn't get to go to Kindergarten too!

Heading in to school!

So ready for the first day!

Waiting for the "bell"!

Waiting with his great friend, and next-door neighbor, Emerson

At his desk & ready to go!

At the "learning tree" where all of the parents left for the day

Some "celebration" frozen yogurt, to hear all about his fun first day!!

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