Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Keystone in August - 2011

We were able to take Jason's parents up to Keystone for a fun weekend with the boys as part of our thank-you for helping us so much while we went to Europe. We had perfect weather and it was so much fun to all be together for a few days!

Jason had a hard time letting the boys near a "Buffalo" :)

So much fun "boating" with Grandma & Grandpa

Next we headed to putt-putt

Next a little fun at the bounce house...

The second day we headed up to the top of the mountain!

Tyler's first chair lift ride, he loved it!

Jake riding with Grandma & Grandpa

What a cutie! :)

Top of the mountain

A little horse shoes...

And then some cornhole at the top of the mountain

Back at the bottom of the mountain.

Crazy kid! :)

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