Monday, August 6, 2007

Busy Weekend w/ lots of friends & family!

Jake had a very busy weekend, including a very fun playdate on Saturday! We went over to Jenette & Ryan's new house (which is beautiful), and Jake played with Austin Scheich (middle right & 10 months old), Christian Mirenda (middle left & 8 months old), and Talley Westerberg (far right & 2.5 months old). All the kids did great, and are sure to grow up to be great friends! :)

He also got to spend a lot of time with Grandma and Grandpa Lessman, which was a lot of fun. He showed them all of his new "tricks" that they hadn't seen yet - crawling, pulling up, his two teeth, and eating lots of "people" food!

Then he even got to meet Mommy's good friends Erin & PG Decker who were in town for a wedding and were able to stop by for brunch on Sunday. It was great to see them, we just wish they lived closer!!

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