Monday, July 23, 2007

9 Months Old!!

9 Months Old - Hard to believe that in just three months we will be celebrating Jake's 1st Birthday! Jake had his 9-Month Check-Up last Friday, and is doing great. He weighs just over 20 pounds (45th percentile) and is 28 inches long (75th percetile), looks like he is going to be tall - Jason says perfect for him to become a star basketball or football player. :)

And in honor of turning 9-months, Jake decided that he was finally ready to crawl! He's now off and running... Check out the link below (copy & paste the link) for a video of only his second day of crawling:

In the last week he has also learned to pull himself up, and he finally cut his first tooth!! Last weekend the baby gates went up, and we had to replace our coffee table with a leather ottoman. So many new things in only a matter of a few weeks, guess we better get used to it.

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