Monday, February 27, 2012

Merry Christmas!!

Every year Christmas gets better and better for us as parents, the pure joy in the boys eyes and their excitement just makes this day so special for us! And having family here from out of town just made it all that much more special! Needless to say, Jake & Tyler were extremely spoiled but they are just so cute. :)

Waking up and seeing the tree w/ presents that Santa left for the first time...

Having a great time with their stockings

Let the presents begin!

Both boys loved "helping" everyone open their presents :)

Their big "surprise" present from Grammy & Grandpa - a big trampoline for the backyard. Now if only we can get all of this snow to melt...

Christmas night was very fun, Jason's family was able to join us for a wonderful night!

Loved having my mom here!!

Christmas was so busy that we had to have "Christmas Night 2" to finish up all of the presents...

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