Sunday, January 29, 2012

Christmas Season

December is always one of my very favorite months, this year we had so much fun with all of the Christmas activities!! We went early in the month to visit Santa, it definitely made Jake super excited for Christmas. Tyler wasn't quite so sure about Santa...

Every year we head to the zoo for zoo lights, this year was a little cold but we bundled up & had a great night!!

This year, Jason and I hosted our first annual Ugly Sweater party!! It was so much fun to see everyone's sweaters, and to have an adults-only party. :) Already looking forward to next year!

Some of our favorites:

One night we headed up to the mountains to ride the Georgetown Railroad train, and meet Santa!! We went with our good friends The Watsons, Jake & Grace had so much fun!!

Here are a few more misc. pictures from December...

Tyler "helping" to decorate the tree

Jason and I had a fun night out before heading to a Holiday party downtown

Santa visited Jake's school (on PJ day)

Such a cutie!

Jake and Grace decorating our gingerbread house

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