Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Keystone in August - 2011

We were able to take Jason's parents up to Keystone for a fun weekend with the boys as part of our thank-you for helping us so much while we went to Europe. We had perfect weather and it was so much fun to all be together for a few days!

Jason had a hard time letting the boys near a "Buffalo" :)

So much fun "boating" with Grandma & Grandpa

Next we headed to putt-putt

Next a little fun at the bounce house...

The second day we headed up to the top of the mountain!

Tyler's first chair lift ride, he loved it!

Jake riding with Grandma & Grandpa

What a cutie! :)

Top of the mountain

A little horse shoes...

And then some cornhole at the top of the mountain

Back at the bottom of the mountain.

Crazy kid! :)

Red Feather Lake - 2011

We had a fun, and interesting weekend, in Red Feather, CO in July. So much fun because we were able to spend the weekend with great friends (Taryn, Reed, and The Paynes), interesting because the rental house we stayed at ended up having some major issues, including a huge sewer back-up! No matter what we had such a great time, not to mention perfect weather!!

So pretty, we stayed right on the golf course.

Such good helpers!!

Beautiful on the outside, a few issues on the inside. :)

Jason, Tyler, Taryn & Reed on the lake

The Paynes - Michael, Brooke, Beautrix & Millie

Loving the lake!

Hanging out...

Loving the park!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Kelly's Birthday

I had so much fun on my Birthday sharing it with so many of my favorite people!! Jason, Jen and the kids all made sure that I had the best day - we all had such a great time!! All of the kids were so good as we all went out to dinner to celebrate...

4th of July - 2011

It worked out that the Johnsons were here for the 4th of July, we had so much fun all together! We went to the Highlands Ranch 4th of July parade, then had some pool time, next a super fun party at Taryn's house and to end the day a spectacular firework show!!

Best buddies!!

Cute cousins at the parade!


Best view of the parade...

Happy 4th of July!

The kiddos had so much fun!!

The hostess with the mostess!

Cute Reed

Still a little bit tired from jet lag...

Nice shades...

Check us out! :)