Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Tyler!!

Wow, how is it that our little baby is already a year old?!?! We had a very fun few days celebrating Tyler's first birthday, starting with a fun party at our house with lots of great friends and family - including Grammy Molly who flew in just to help us celebrate!

A good friend of mine from college made delicious cakes for the party, which matched the plates and napkins.

Tyler was not quite sure about everyone singing "Happy Birthday" to him...

But he quickly got in to the spirit of cake smashing!! :)

The day after the party we enjoyed a beautiful day at the zoo with Grammy Molly - so fun!

Good Morning Birthday Boy!!

He loved his balloon

A "pro" at present opening now...

He loves his new car from Taryn and Reed - so excited!

Jake was very happy to help Tyler with all of his cards and presents

Just a few more cute pictures of the happy 1-year old!

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