Saturday, November 13, 2010

Happy "4th" Birthday Jake!!

Jake had such a wonderful 4th Birthday, and just like his mom, managed to stretch it out as long as possible! We kicked it off with his Birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese's with about 15 of his best friends - you can be sure that all of the kids slept well that night!

So excited for his party to start!

Very excited about the Batman cake he helped pick out

Couldn't just go with the Chuck E. Cheese decorations, had to add in some Batman!

Ready to play some games!!

Playing with his buddy Alec

Wearing his Birthday crown and drinking out of his Chuck E. Cheese bobblehead cup

Ready to blow out his candles

Giving Chuck E. Cheese a hug

In the ticket blaster, catching tickets under his shirt - pretty smart little kid!

The day after his party, opening presents!!

On his actual birthday he got to hand out treat bags to all of the kids in his class (Batman themed of course), and then we went to Red Robin for dinner - he wasn't quite sure about all of the waiters/waitresses singing to him. And then home to open presents!

Birthday morning, eating a donut and opening a few presents!!

Red Robin birthday dinner!!

Birthday boy at dinner

"Cheers" with Dad!

Taking a few birthday calls during dinner :)

Tyler loved Red Robin too, especially the balloon part!

Such cute brothers! XOXO

Lastly, we had another birthday celebration once his Grandma Molly & Grandpa Steve came to visit from Oregon. He is one lucky kid, thanks to everyone who helped to make his 4th Birthday so great!!

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