Wednesday, April 15, 2009


In March Jason and I were lucky enough to get to go to Mexico with our great friends Taryn, Jace, & Doug! We went somewhere new this year, Zihuatanejo, and stayed in the most amazing house - honestly one of our best vacations ever! The weather was great every day and as you will see from the pics, the house was just incredible, and we even had our own personal chef who made us some of the most amazing meals, complete with homemade salsa everyday.

"Casa Alas" - such an amazing house! Website is

Imagine waking up to this view everyday...

On the beach at sunset

The crew - a night out in the little town of Zihuatanejo

Since the house was basically open to the outside (no doors except for the front door & bedroom doors), we also had a few "visitors" - including this tarantula, which was bigger than my hand! We also had some visits from a Coral Snake, Scorpions, and some bats inside our house.

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