Sunday, September 14, 2008

Jake's First Broncos Game!!

Jake was very lucky and today he went to his first Broncos game!!! Our great friend Taryn invited us to the Broncos vs. Chargers game, and Jake couldn't have asked for a better first game. The game was amazing (the Broncos won!), the weather ended up being great, and of course lots of fun! I think that Jason has been dreaming about Jake's first Broncos game since the day he was born, and this completes all of his major sports game - all under the age of 2 (Rams, Nuggests, Avalanche, Rockies, & Broncos)!!

1 comment:

Nick said...

What a luck little boy! I wish I was Jake, at least for that moment when the Broncos went for 2 and won the game!