Sunday, August 17, 2008

Kelly's Colorado 30th Birthday Celebration!

Jason and our good friend Taryn were very nice and planned a 30th Birthday celebration for me the week after my birthday. They knew that I didn't want a surprise party so I got to be part of the planning, but they did really surprise me by having our other really good friends, Jace & Doug, fly in all the way from Arkansas for the party!!

We had such a great time and I really appreciate everyone that made it to help me celebrae, and thank you to Jason & Taryn who planned a wonderful party that I won't ever forget!!

Here are some pictures of the fun night:

Jace & Doug Toben who flew in for the party!

Good friends Nate & Julie, their first night out on the town after having little baby Tobyn!

The "baby group" - so fun to have them there!

Jenette & Katie, good friends from CSU.

Jenny & Cyp, thanks for making it!

Kelly's all-time favorite - Costco cake!!

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