Thursday, October 25, 2007

Jake's First Birthday Weekend!!

Jake is now officially 1-Year Old!! It's hard to believe that it's been a whole year since Jake surprised us and came 4.5 weeks early, but we've loved every minute of it and continue to be amazed at how Jake changes daily. He is such a sweet "little guy", whose smile is contagious to everyone around him.

We had a very busy weekend celebrating, beginning with Jason and my 5th Wedding Anniversary on Friday. We haven't been able to celebrate yet since Jason was traveling for work, but he did surprise me by sending me lovely flowers first thing that morning!

Then Saturday, Jake's actual birthday, we started the day off by heading to the pumpkin patch! It was a beautiful day, and Jake had a lot of fun riding around in his new red wagon and watching all the other kids running around. He picked out a few pumpkins to take home with us, and of course "put up" with his Mom and posed for some pictures. :)

Later that day Jason's parents, sisters, and brother-in-law came over to celebrate the big day. Jake was lucky enough to open a few more presents, and of course to have cake again!!

To see some more pictures of the big day, copy and paste this link:

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