Monday, January 17, 2011

Tyler is 11 months old!!

How is it possible that in one short month Tyler will be a year old?!? Tyler is such a smiley and happy little guy, and is one of those babies that people at the store love to stop & play with. He has finally started saying "Momma", and sometimes bye-bye & ball. He's definitely very curious (into everything) and loves to pull up on anything he can. He's finally started to hold his old bottle (woo-hoo) and loves to feed himself. We are looking forward to celebrating his 1st Birthday on 2/12, and wish that all of our family & friends that live far away could be here to celebrate with us. But, know that we will be sure to post lots (and lots) of pictures for those that can't be here! :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Denver Stock Show

It has become an annual tradition that we go to the Denver Stock Show with our friends the Watsons, Jake and Grace have so much fun every year - and this year was no different!! Tyler enjoyed watching all of the action from his stroller, and is already excited to go next year when he can partake in some of the activities.

We start every year with the traditional Bull picture...

The kids did a little coloring while waiting for their dads to get some drinks...

Another "must-do" is the pony ride!

This year both Jake and Grace had to have their very own cowboy hats, pretty cute!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Adults Weekend!!

Thanks to the help of Jason's wonderful sister Rachelle, we were able to go back up to Keystone for an adults weekend with Taryn and her boyfriend. We had such a great time doing things that aren't quite as easy with kids, like tubing at the top of the mountain and a wonderful Fondue dinner at the top of the mountain - both with a fun Gondola ride. We had so much fun and can't thank Rachelle enough for staying with the boys while we got away real quick!

Happy New Year!!

We rang in the New Year in Keystone with Taryn and Reed, and as always we had so much fun even despite the freezing cold temps this year - a high of 5 degrees a few days!! We found a very fun tubing hill that we all enjoyed, and also had a lot of fun playing in town on the "Wild West" playground. We are looking forward to 2011 and all the great things that are in store for us!

Jake was also very excited to celebrate Christmas one more time with Taryn and Reed! :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Christmas Season 2010

I think that Jason would agree with me when I say, Christmas just gets better and better for us each year as Jake (and Tyler) gets older and more excited for Santa. This year Jake really "got" what Christmas was, and his anticipation really made the whole month of December a lot of fun.

Jake was so excited to visit Santa this year and hand-deliver his letter of his
"requests". Tyler was surprisingly also excited to see Santa, as smiley and happy as ever!

Jake had a Christmas program and party at his school, along with a visit from Santa! It was very fun to see him with all of his school buddies, and all of his teachers - especially his favorite Mrs. Murray.

Winter Wonderlights is a great outdoors light trail at the Wildlife Museum near our house. Our good friends The Watsons joined us this year, and of course Jake & Grace had so much fun seeing all of the different animal lights - and even petting a real life reindeer!

Christmas Eve was a great day for us, Jake and I made cookies for Santa and then we went to Church with Jason's sister Rachelle and her husband Tony. We had a very fun night, and both boys got to open one present before going to bed.

Christmas morning was so much fun, once we finally woke both boys up at 7:45am to begin the day! :) Jake was so excited to see that Santa had come, and we think Tyler was just very excited to finally be able to rip and crinkle all of the wrapping paper.

Christmas evening we were lucky enough to spend with Jason's parents in Windsor, and we had a very nice time celebrating once again. It was great to see Jason's Dad, Brian, since he had just had major surgery - but he looked so good and is such a strong man.

We had such a wonderful Holiday season, and can't thank all of our family and friends for helping us make it even better. Jake has already started making his list for Santa for next year! :)