Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tyler Weston Lessman

Tyler Weston Lessman was born at 1:15pm on Tuesday, February 12th - he was 6 pounds even and 19" long. He came a couple of weeks early, but is doing great!! Jake came to visit his new baby brother a few times in the hospital and so far is very excited to be a big brother!! We came home from the hospital this afternoon and are now just getting settled here...

We'll try our best to keep the blog updated with pictures, so keep checking back! :)
Jason, Kelly, Jake and Tyler

Monday, February 15, 2010

Ready for Baby #2!!

Well, it's official - Baby #2 is due to be induced tomorrow - February 16th!! It's been a long few last weeks, so I think we are all ready for this baby to become a party of our family - only 2 weeks early this time, opposed to Jake being 5 weeks early. The nursery is ready, and so far Jake is very excited to be a BIG brother!! We'll keep you all updated and post pictures as soon as we can.

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Sending lots of love to all of our family and friends this Valentine's Day.

Kelly, Jason and Jake

Baby Shower!

Our wonderful friend Taryn was so nice and threw us a couples baby shower at her new beautiful house!! It was an amazing shower and we loved seeing all of our good friends - not to mention the delicious food and yummy cake!! Thanks to Taryn for a great shower and to all of our friends who spent their Saturday night helping us celebrate!

Taryn and Kelly

Such a cute diaper cake, topped with great Burt's Bees products!

Such good food, including my favorite of cesear salad cups!

Another adorable diaper cake, this one topped with all sorts of great baby toys!

My favorite Costco cake, and such a fun candy bar for great take-home bags.

Jason's mom, dad and sister Rachelle

Alesha, Geoff and Lindsay

Carisa, Dylan, Pat, Erika, Beth and Chad

Aubrey, John, Julie and Nate

Carisa and Kelly

Mike, Mel and Taryn

Josh, Katie, Jessica and Matt

Great-Grandparents Visit!!

Jason's grandma Marilyn celebrated her 80th Birthday, so we headed up to Fort Morgan to help celebrate! We then headed up to Brush to see Jason's other grandparents... Jake had a great time seeing his great-grandparents, as did we!

Preschool "Hoe Down"!!

Jake had his first "program" at Preschool - the first annual "Hoe Down"! The kids had been learning some country dances for a few weeks, and then performed them for all the parents. Jake did great and we had a fun time, though unfortunately he definitely got his mom and dad's dancing skills. :)

Denver Stock Show

The Denver Stock Show happens every January, and Jake has had so much fun both last year and this year. We went with our friends The Watsons, and of course Jake & Grace had a blast together.

Jake wasn't quite so sure about the big horse...

But he did like driving the tractors!

Jake and Grace riding the tractor together...Jake of course had to drive!

This pony was a little more Jake's size...

I think the Dad's had as much fun as the kids! :)

More Sledding!!

The Johnsons stopped in for a quick visit, which we loved! Drew really wanted to go sledding, so we searched for a hill that still had enough snow on it since it hadn't snowed in over a week - but we found one! As always, we had a great time and wish we could all be together more often!