Thursday, August 27, 2009

Jake's First Day of Preschool!

Jake had a great first day of preschool!! He had met his 3 teachers and checked out the classroom last week, so this morning he ran right in and never really even looked back! There are 3 Jakes in his class, one also with a last name that starts with "L" and also has the exact same birthday (one year earlier)! He does have his one buddy Alec in his same class, who goes to the same babysitter - nice to have a familiar face in the room. We'll keep you posted, we are excited for a great first year of preschool!

Signing in with Dad

Very excited to go in to the classroom!

Bye Mom, you can leave now!

Good buddy Alec

This was "Meet the Teacher" Day

Toby Keith

Our good friend Taryn is a huge Toby Keith fan (as is Kelly), and so we all went to his concert here in Denver. We had amazing seats - 2nd row center!! Trace Adkins opened for Toby, and it was a great concert!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Big Brother!

We have some very exciting news...Jake is going to be a Big Brother!! We are very happy to be expecting Jake's little brother or little sister at the beginning of March!! Kelly is just over 12 weeks and is (hopefully) almost over the "yucky" stage of nausea and being extremely tired. We'll be sure to keep everyone updated, as we will of course find out if we are having a boy or girl!! :)

Los Angeles Trip 2009

All 3 of us went to visit Kelly's family out in CA, and had such a great time! Jake loved the beach, though he wasn't quite willing to go in to the ocean past his knees... It was so much fun to spend a few days with Grandpa, Gram-O, and GG Marianne - just wish we could see them more often!!

Denver Aquarium

Jake and I had a great time at the Denver Aquarium with Taryn and Reed! Jake loved seeing all of the fish, and especially loved the lions!! Jake and Taryn even fed the sting rays at the end, while Kelly and Reed watched.

The Wiggles!!

Last year Jake loved The Wiggles, and we had great seats to their concert. Unfortunately he ended up getting the flu and we weren't able to go... So, even though he isn't quite as big of a fan now days, Jason and I wanted to make it up to him so we went to their concert this year! Jake had a great time, and I have to admit that I think Jason & I had as much fun as he did. ;)

Kenny Chesney

Part of my Mother's Day gift was tickets to the Kenny Chesney concert, at the Cheyenne Frontier Days in July. Jake got to spend a fun night at Grandma & Grandpa Lessman's, and Jason & I had a fun night out - the concert was so great!!

Home Updates

We've made a few changes here at the Lessman house! First, we moved Jake to a "big boy bed" and he absolutely loves it!! He's been so good, and hasn't even tried to get out once.

We also finished our basement, after realizing that all of the toys had taken over our family & living room. It was somewhat of a long process, but we are loving all the extra space - and Jason especially loves the cooler temp down there! (Still some decorating to do...)