Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Winter Wonderland!!!

Jason's sister Rachelle works for Greenwood Village, CO, and she invited us to go to the Winter Wonderland that they have each year. We had so much fun - Jake saw Santa, rode on the carousel, watched fireworks, and had lots of cookies! We had such a great time and can't wait to go back again next year!


We had a great Thanksgiving, not to mention a very busy one with two delicious meals! We started the day in Windsor for lunch with Jason's family and were lucky enough to spend it with 20+ family members, including his grandparents. Then we headed to our good friend Taryn's house and had a great dinner! We are so thankful for such wonderful family and friends!

First Snow!

Well, we had our first snow and Jake got to go out & play in it for really the first time! He wasn't quite so sure about the "white stuff" but after a little bit loved it!